
Rosary & Divine Mercy

  • In his apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio in 1981, Pope John Paul II stated, “The rosary should be considered as one of the best and most efficacious prayers.” Clearly the Rosary is an important element of prayer in the Roman Catholic Church. However, many Catholics have dificulty finding the time to pray the Rosary or a Divine Mercy chaplet. The Rosary on CD or the Rosary on audio tape is the ideal solution. Catholics are able to pray the Rosary and pray the Divine Mercy chaplet while commuting to work in their cars, dropping off the kids or running errands. Imagine starting your day by praying the Rosary to the voice of the Pope, set to prayerfully inspiring music. Or learn more about the Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet from informative and visually appealing Rosary DVDs. As Catholics it is our duty and privalige to pray the Rosary as often as we can.