

  • Shop our selection of beautiful Catholic music for sale online. From Catholic church songs, hymns, popular, traditional and contemporary, we have it all at The Catholic Company. Music is meant to stir the soul, especially Catholic music. Contemporary Catholic music as well as Liturgical Catholic music inspires Catholic listeners of all ages. Catholic music has always been a critical aspect of the Catholic Church. As far back as the origins of Gregorian chants and other forms of Catholic musical praise, the Catholic Church has always stressed the power and importance of musical worship. To further stress the value of Catholic music, the Roman Catholic Church named St. Cecilia the patroness of Catholic musicians and Catholic music, and celebrates her feast day on November 22. Since Vatican Council II Catholic music has become more open to popular cultural influences. This has brought about themed Catholic music such as Catholic jazz, Catholic rock, Catholic pop and even Catholic hip-hop. Modern Catholic musicians have also used their artistic talents to revive and reinforce more traditional Catholic Liturgical music. Catholics are blessed to have great musical talent in a variety of Catholic music genres, covering specific liturgical seasons, holidays and for everyday enjoyment.