
St. Maria Goretti

  • Saint Maria Goretti is the patron of children, young people, poor people, martyrs, young girls, purity, chastity, rape victims, and forgiveness. She was attacked by a 19-year-old boy who attempted to rape her. Maria wasn't even yet 12 years old. She fought back and yelled that it was a sin and that he would go to hell for his actions. Saint Maria Goretti was stabbed fourteen times for her refusal. She lived for only two days after the attack but in those two days she forgave her attacker and died holding a crucifix. Her attacker went to prison for murder, full of hardness of heart. One day in prison Maria appeared to him in a dream. He was converted and upon leaving sought reconciliation with Maria's mother and with the Church. St. Maria Goretti's feast day is July 6th.